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Learning Menu - Alphabet Pack

Learning Menu - Alphabet Pack

The Alphabet Pack consists of 90 pages of resources, including flashcards and tracing cards.

The Alphabet Pack is suitable for kids aged 2 to 8 years old.

4ย sets of cards beautifully illustrated with water-colour effects:

  • A to Z flashcards
  • Picture flashcardsย with A to Z letters
  • Picture flash cards without A to Z letters
  • Uppercase and lowercase matching cards

2 sets ofย tracing cards to practice writing and strokes:ย 

  • Mini tracing cards for uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Large tracing cards for uppercase and lowercase letters, with strokes

Printables for Alphabet activities (for younger kids):

    • Matching uppercase with lowercase letters
    • Read-Write-Form template
    • Find the letter template
    • Sorting uppercase vs lowercase letters
    • A to Z dashboard

Printables forย Alphabet activities (for older kids)

  • Starting letter sounds template
  • Creative storytelling template
  • Spelling template

For the flashcards, we would suggest you laminate and cut them out for them to last longer and to avoid wear and tear.

(Note: This is a digital download, not a physical product.)

Sample images:
